Iowa Tyrants

Avatar Jimmy Morrison | June 7, 2018

I founded Iowa Patients for Medical Marijuana in 2008. In 2009, something like 30,000 pages of studies and testimonies were given to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy before they unanimously acknowledged marijuana is medicine, after over 30 years of ignoring the law that ordered them to review the issue.

In the last week of my dog’s life, he got relief from his cancer with CBD oil and on the days I could get it, real cannabis. This relief was apparent to anyone who saw him suffering, and the board and the legislature were given the research to back this claim up almost a decade ago.

If these tyrants had stopped jailing us and allowed the free market to provide medicine, Buddy would have started talking full spectrum cannabis oil (not this hemp shit) in 2008 as a preventative. Did you know if you are a regular pot smoker, (not even in the high doses oil provides) you are 60% less likely to get head and neck cancers? I told dozens of legislators this 10 years ago.

What gave these dictators the right to prevent me from saving my dog? How savage and inhumane can they be to force him to suffer? It’s bad enough they do this to dogs, let alone humans.

The American Medical Association testified 80 years ago in a Congressional committee that making marijuana illegal was being done in secret against the wishes of the medical community. When the bill got out of committee to the floor, the Majority Leader lied and said the AMA testified in support of the bill.

Iowa’s Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer seriously needs to reconsider her oath as a nurse to do no harm. Because of her police state, my grandparents suffer from arthritis with no relief, my relatives can’t get the medicine they need to treat epilepsy, me and the other bipolar people I’ve met are often left untreated, and my dad suffers though dementia without the peace that cannabis provides. There is an epidemic of opiate overdoses and suicides in this state and the evidence is in from the states that have medical use, cannabis saves lives.

Oh and by the way, as a medical marijuana user in the United States, I am not eligible for organ transplants. The official policy of the US government is to not just force us to die off, but to chase us down and put us in cages for our last days.

Written by Jimmy Morrison