Who Killed the Constitution
by Tom Woods & Kevin Gutzman

Avatar Jimmy Morrison | May 6, 2019

Who Killed The Constitution:
The Federal Government
vs. American Liberty
from World War I to Barack Obama
July 8, 2008


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“If you want to know why the federal government regulates the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the words you speak, read Who Killed the Constitution? This is a no-holds-barred, no-nonsense, non-ideological, profound analysis of why and how those in whose custody we have reposed the Constitution, those who have taken oaths to uphold it, have not only avoided preserving it but have intentionally exterminated it. When the history of these unfree times is written, Tom Woods and Kevin Gutzman’s fearless work will be recognized as the standard against which all others are measured.”

-Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst and author of The Constitution in Exile

“It’s about time someone shouted out that the emperor has no clothes. And hasn’t had any since 1861, when the federal government started to shred the Constitution and saw that it could get away with it. Over the next century and a half, Washington steadily marginalized the document in pursuit of an ever-greater empire, and today it rules with virtually no constitutional justification at all – as this very useful book so persuasively points out.”
-Kirkpatrick Sale, Director, The Middlebury Institute, and author of Human Scale

“Woods and Gutzman (two bestselling authors in the Politically Incorrect Guide series) appeal to both left and right in this constitutionalist jeremiad. Liberals will agree about the unconstitutionality of the draft, warrantless wiretapping and presidential signing statements. Conservatives will agree about the unconstitutionality of school busing, bans on school prayer and Roosevelt’s suspension of the gold standard. The common thread is the authors’ brief for a federal government strictly limited to the powers explicitly granted by the Constitution. The authors’ exegeses of the Constitution and court decisions, heavy on original intent arguments, are lucid and telling.”
-Publishers Weekly

“Both sobering and frightening…. If you want to learn how a government strictly limited in its powers has devolved into a government restrained by little more than what it can get away with, you need to read this book…. Should be required reading in every high school and college in America.”

Written by Jimmy Morrison