Three friends find themselves magically transported to a land where they learn of a prophecy–about them! The lads must use their newfound gifts of power in their battle against the Lizard King.
Jimmy Morrison | May 7, 2019
The Three Lads and the Lizard King
December 14, 2013
Three friends find themselves magically transported to a land where they learn of a prophecy–about them! The lads must use their newfound gifts of power in their battle against the Lizard King.
Written by Jimmy Morrison
Jimmy Morrison | November 1, 2024
Jimmy Morrison | October 13, 2020
Jimmy Morrison | July 20, 2020
Jimmy Morrison | July 20, 2020
Jimmy Morrison | July 20, 2020
Jimmy Morrison | July 20, 2020
Jimmy Morrison | May 23, 2020
Jimmy Morrison | May 14, 2020
Jimmy Morrison | December 4, 2019